Technology Management - our English-language university MBA program > 독일 소식/정보

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독일 소식/정보

Technology Management - our English-language university MBA program

작성자 최고관리자

작성일 2022.12.23


 Technology Management - our English-language university MBA program

© Hauke Gilbert

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management, the Business School at the TUHH Hamburg University of Technology. Your chance to make two masters in one year.

At the NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management, each year approx. 30 international students graduate with a master’s degree certified by the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).

Our study program in Technology Management is a top-tier Master program (M.A./MBA), tailored for especially graduates and professionals with a background in Computer Science (IT), Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Microelectronics, Data Science, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering or other tech-related fields.

In the study program students acquire a broad knowledge in Business Strategy and Development, Innovation ManagementOrganizationHuman Resource ManagementFinanceControlling or Project Management. The program can be study either as a double degree in cooperation with an engineering Master at the TUHH (2 years – 2 Master) or part-time (Friday evening through Sunday).

The highest quality of education is ensured through our ‘flying faculty’, consisting of both German and international professors as well as practitioners, in combination with our accredited curriculum, that is taught completely in English. A large variety of knowledge and skills is imparted in an active and performance-oriented manner to enable graduates to actively shape the world of tomorrow as leaders and strong decision-makers for a sustainable interaction between technology and business.

Graduates go on to work for internationally highly acclaimed companies, implement successful startups and provide an active worldwide high potential alumni network. The NIT-owned building on the TUHH campus has a variety of modern classrooms, 65 subsidized student apartments, offices of several start-ups and established companies, as well as a wide range of leisure opportunities. This creates a formative, inspiring, diverse, and intercultural environment for learning and a community for life.

The NIT is based in the City of HamburgGermany’s second biggest city and a major hub for many industries. This place, our fabulous reputation and our broad network of highly competitive partner companies offer plenty of internship and job opportunities during and after your studies.

Learn more about your opportunities at the NIT in one of our info webinars

For further details and questions
please contact:
Wolfgang Höll
Admissions & Company Relations Manager
office +49 40 42878 3789


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